Tag Archives: Promise Pegasus2

In Which the Promise Utility GUI is Not Showing Stats

You open the Promise Utility to get some stats from the Subsystem (Promise Utility > Subsystem Information), but the Promise Utility displays nothing.

You try the command line. Nada. Zip.

Fear not. Try this (your mileage may vary, entirely at your own risk, if you’re not utterly certain what you’re doing, do not do any of this):

1. Umount your Promise volume(s) first.

diskutil unmount /Volumes/NameOfVolume1

2. Unload and delete the kernel extension:

sudo kextunload -b com.promise.driver.stex
sudo rm -rf /Library/Extensions/PromiseSTEX.kext

3. Delete the Pegasus Utility:

sudo rm -rf /Applications/Promise\ Utility.app

4. Delete the Promise Utility plist:

sudo rm -rf /Users/<username>/Library/Preferences/com.promise.PromiseUtility.plist

5. Delete the LaunchDaemons plist files:

sudo rm -rf /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.promise.emaild.plist
sudo rm -rf /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.promise.bgasched.plist
sudo rm -rf /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.promise.BGPMain_R.plist
sudo rm -rf /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.promise.diskmonitor.plist

6. Delete promiseutil (The Promise Utility installer pkg will re-install this):

sudo rm -rf /usr/local/bin/promiseutil

7. Restart the Mac.

8. Install the Pegasus 6.2.9 driver and the Promise Utility.

9. See if you now have stats for the Promise Pegasus via GUI and CLI.

Promise Pegasus2: Scripting a SMART check with promiseutil

We’ve found that the Promise Pegasus2 Thunderbolt 2 RAID can report that the SMART Health status of its disks is just dandy, while the unit is quietly accumulating ATA errors that may indicate the pending failure of a disk.

I want to be notified if the Pegasus either has a SMART status failure or if ATA errors are present on any of the disks.

This script does just that. It’s essentially a more refined version of the previous promiseutil scripts that grabs the simple SMART status of each disk, greps to see if it’s “OK”, then runs a line of awk that looks at the report to see if there’s an “ATA Error Count”. As always, it logs to system.log and optionally sends error reports by email.

# promise_smart_check.sh
# Checks Promise Pegasus2 SMART status, checks for ATA errors, logs and mails the output if there's an issue.
# Author: AB @ Modest Industries
# Requires Promise Utility for Pegasus2 (http://www.promise.com), tested with v3.18.0000.18
# Requires sendemail for email alerts (http://caspian.dotconf.net/menu/Software/SendEmail/)
# Edit History
# 2014-04-21 - AB: Version 1.0.
# 2014-04-24 - AB: Refactored.
# 2014-05-01 - AB: Incorporate the awk script to check for ATI errors.
# 2014-05-08 - AB: Refinements.
# 2014-05-15 - AB: Update to message body construction, tmp file & sendemail sanity checks.
# 2014-05-17 - AB: Added promiseutil path check.

export DATESTAMP=`date +%Y-%m-%d\ %H:%M:%S`

# Editable variables

# Path to sendemail

# Send email alerts?

# Variables for sendemail
# Sender's address
alert_sender="[email protected]"

# Recipient's addresses, comma separated.
#alert_recipient='[email protected], [email protected]'
alert_recipient="[email protected]"

# SMTP server to send the messages through

# ------------ You probably shouldn't edit below this line ------------------
# Variables

# Default the error flags to false.

# Alert subject
alert_subject="ALERT: Promise Pegasus2 SMART problem detected on $HOSTNAME."

# Alert header
alert_header="At $DATESTAMP, a problem was detected on this device:\n"

# Pass / Fail messages
pass_msg="Promise Pegasus SMART check successful."
fail_msg=" *** Promise Pegasus SMART check FAILED!!! ***"

# Default the message body

# Alert footer
alert_footer="Run 'promiseutil -C smart -v' for more information."

# Promise Pegasus command line utility default path

# ----------------- Check for promiseutil, sendemail & set up temp files ------------------
if [ ! -f $promiseutil_path ]; then
        echo "$0 ERROR: $promiseutil_path does not exist"
        echo  "Please download and install the Promise Pegasus Utility app from http://promise.com"
        exit 1

if [ ! -f $sendemail_path ]; then
        echo "$0 ERROR: $sendemail_path does not exist"
        echo  "Please download from http://caspian.dotconf.net/menu/Software/SendEmail/ and then set the \$sendmemail_path variable inside this script"
        exit 1

unit_ID_tmp=`mktemp -q "/tmp/$$_unit_ID.XXXX"`
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
        echo "$0: ERROR: Can't create temp file, exiting..."
        exit 1

smart_results_tmp=`mktemp -q "/tmp/$$_smart_results.XXXX"`
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
        echo "$0: ERROR: Can't create temp file, exiting..."
        exit 1

# ----------------- Run promiseutil, evaluate the results ------------------

# Get Unit ID information for this Promise unit. Includes workaround for promiseutil tty issue.
screen -D -m sh -c "$promiseutil_path -C subsys -v >$unit_ID_tmp"

# Drop the output into a variable.

# Get the SMART report, put it into a tmp file.
screen -D -m sh -c "$promiseutil_path -C smart -v >$smart_results_tmp"

# Grab the header for each PdId in the Promise
smart_status=$(cat $smart_results_tmp | grep -A4 "^PdId")

# Check the header to see if SMART Health Check reports a problem
if grep "^SMART Health Status:" <<< "$smart_status" | grep -qv "OK"

# Check for ATA errors, which may indicate that the drive is failing even if SMART Health is OK
ata_errors=$(awk '/^PdId: [1-9][0-9]*/ \
                                { a=$0; n=4; next } \
                                n { --n; a=a "\n" $0; next } \
                                /^ATA Error Count*/ \
                                { ata_err=$0; print a "\n" ata_err "\n" }' \
# Flag if there were ATA errors
if [ "$ata_errors" != "" ]; then

# ----------------- Build the message_body ------------------

# If there's a problem, build the header.
if [ "$smart_error_flag" ==  "true" ] || [ "$ata_error_flag" == "true" ]; then

        # SMART Health status.
        if [ "$smart_error_flag" == "true" ]; then
                message_body="$message_body\nSMART Health Status is reporting one or more bad drives."

        # Always include the smart_status

        # Then the ATA errors.
        if [ "$ata_error_flag" == "true" ]; then
                message_body="$message_body\n\nOne or more drives has an ATA Error Count and may be failing.\n\n$ata_errors"

#  ----------------- Logging & email ------------------

# Log the results, conditionally send email on failure.
if [ "$ata_error_flag" == "true" ] || [ "$smart_error_flag" == "true" ]; then
        echo "$DATESTAMP: \n\n$message_body" >> /var/log/system.log
        if [ "$send_email_alert" == "true" ] ; then
                "$sendemail_path" -f $alert_sender -t $alert_recipient -u $alert_subject -m "$message_body" -s $alert_smtp_server
        echo "$DATESTAMP: $pass_msg\n\n$unit_ID" >> /var/log/system.log

# ----------------- Cleanup ------------------

rm -f rm -f $unit_ID_tmp $smart_results_tmp

This version of the script checks for the presence of promiseutil and sendemail. We call screen here because the promiseutil seems to need a TTY in order to run properly.

Hope you find it useful.

Promise Pegasus2: Scripting an Enclosure check with promise_enclosure_check.sh

The Promise Pegasus2 has onboard sensors that monitor the power supply  voltages, speed of the fan, and temperature of the controller and backplane.

This seems worth performing the occasional check on.

The example script below runs an initial check of the enclosure using promiseutil. If it doesn’t find that “Everything is OK”, it runs a more verbose check, logs the problem and optionally sends email.

# promise_enclosure_check.sh
# Checks the status of a Promise Pegasus2 RAID enclosure and mails the output if there's an issue.
# Author: AB @ Modest Industries
# Works with Promise Utility for Pegasus2 v3.18.0000.18 (http://www.promise.com)
# Requires sendemail for email alerts (http://caspian.dotconf.net/menu/Software/SendEmail/)
# Edit History
# 2014-04-21 - AB: Version 1.0.
# 2014-05-08 - AB: Refinements.
# 2014-05-09 - AB: Better message_body if failed.

export DATESTAMP=`date +%Y-%m-%d\ %H:%M:%S`

# Editable variables

# Path to sendemail

# If a problem is found, send email?

# Variables for sendemail
# Sender's address
alert_sender="[email protected]"

# Recipient's addresses, comma separated.
#alert_recipient='[email protected], [email protected]'
alert_recipient="[email protected]"

# SMTP server to send the messages through

# ------------ Do not edit below this line ------------------
# Variables

# Pass / fail flags

# The subject line of the alert.
alert_subject="Alert: Promise Pegasus2 enclosure problem detected on $HOSTNAME."

# Alert header
alert_header="At $DATESTAMP, an enclosure problem was detected on this device:\n"

# Pass / Fail messages
pass_msg="Promise Pegasus Enclosure check successful."
fail_msg=" *** Promise Pegasus Enclosure check FAILED!!! ***\n\n"

# Alert footer
alert_footer="Run 'promiseutil -C enclosure -v' for more information."

# Create temp files
unit_ID_tmp=`mktemp "/tmp/$$_unit_ID.XXXX"`
enclosure_results_tmp=`mktemp "/tmp/$$_enclosure_results.XXXX"`


# Get the information for this Promise unit. Includes workaround for promiseutil tty issue.
screen -D -m sh -c "promiseutil -C subsys -v >$unit_ID_tmp"

# Drop the output into a variable.

# Get the report, put it into a tmp file.
screen -D -m sh -c "promiseutil -C enclosure >$enclosure_results_tmp"

if ! grep -qv "Everything is OK" $enclosure_results_tmp
        # Get a more detailed report, put it into a tmp file.
        screen -D -m sh -c "promiseutil -C enclosure -v >$enclosure_results_tmp"

        # Build the message.

#  ----------------- Logging & email ------------------

# Log the results, conditionally send email on failure.
if [ "$enclosure_pass" == "false" ]; then
        echo "$DATESTAMP: \n\n$message_body" >> /var/log/system.log
        if [ "$send_email_alert" == "true" ] ; then
                "$sendemail_path" -f $alert_sender -t $alert_recipient -u $alert_subject -m "$message_body" -s $alert_smtp_server
        echo "$DATESTAMP: $pass_msg" >> /var/log/system.log
# Cleanup
rm -f rm -f $unit_ID_tmp $enclosure_results_tmp

The script was developed against a Promise Pegasus2. It hasn’t been tested with the earlier Promise Pegasus series.

2014-11-07 – Update: Merci to Stéphane Allain for catching a typo in the script.

Promise Pegasus2: Scripting a disk check with promise_disk_check.sh

When you deploy a Promise Pegasus2, you want to run regular disk health checks and send an email notification if there’s a problem. The Promise Utility app can theoretically do this* when there’s someone logged in at the console, but we’re rarely running these in environments where there’s anyone logged at the console.

The solution is to script a check of the disks using the promiseutil command line utility and then create a cronjob to run it at regular intervals.

Here’s an example disk check that parses the output of phydrv, logs each run to system.log and can optionally send email if a problem is found.

# promise_disk_check.sh
# Checks the phydrv status of a Promise Pegasus, logs and mails the output if there's an issue.
# Author: A @ Modest Industries
# Last update: 2014-07-19
# 2014-07-19 - tweaked grep to allow for Media Patrol
# Works with Promise Utility for Pegasus2 v3.18.0000.18 (http://www.promise.com)
# Requires sendemail for email alerts (http://caspian.dotconf.net/menu/Software/SendEmail/)

export DATESTAMP=`date +%Y-%m-%d\ %H:%M:%S`

# Editable variables

# Path to sendemail
# Email alert?

# Variables for sendemail
# Sender's address
alert_sender="[email protected]"

# Recipient's addresses, comma separated.
#alert_recipient='[email protected], [email protected]'
alert_recipient="[email protected]"

# SMTP server to send the messages through
# alert_smtp_server="smtp.example.com:port"

# Subject line of the alert.
alert_subject="Alert: Promise disk problem detected on $HOSTNAME."

# Header line at the top of the alert message 
alert_header="At $DATESTAMP, a problem was detected on this device:\n"

# Pass / Fail messages
pass_msg="Promise disk check successful."
fail_msg=" *** Promise disk check FAILED!!! ***"

# ------------ Do not edit below this line ------------------
# Variables

# Create temp files
unit_ID_tmp=`mktemp "/tmp/$$_ID.XXXX"`
results_tmp=`mktemp "/tmp/$$_results.XXXX"`

# Get header information for this Promise unit. Includes workaround for promiseutil tty issue.
screen -D -m sh -c "promiseutil -C subsys -v >$tmpdir$unit_ID_tmp"

# Get status of the disks.  Includes workaround for promiseutil tty issue.
screen -D -m sh -c "promiseutil -C phydrv >$tmpdir$results_tmp"

# Check each line of the output the test results.
while read -r line
        if grep '^[0-9]' <<< "$line" | grep -Eqv 'OK|Media'
                results=$results"BAD DRIVE DETECTED: $line\n\n"
done < $tmpdir$results_tmp

# Log the results, conditionally send email on failure.
if [ "$pass" = false ] ; then
        echo "$DATESTAMP: $fail_msg\n\n$results" >> /var/log/system.log
        if [ "$send_email_alert" = true ] ; then
                "$sendemail_path" -f $alert_sen:der -t $alert_recipient -u $alert_subject -m "$results" -s $alert_smtp_server
        echo "$DATESTAMP: $pass_msg" >> /var/log/system.log

# Cleanup
rm -f $tmpdir$unit_ID_tmp $tmpdir$results_tmp

Note that the script uses sendemail for sending mail, a very useful little drop in for when the local machine isn’t running mail services.

*I say “theoretically” because configuring email in the Promise Utility is a mess and I’ve yet to see a single successful notification after configuring it.

2014-05-04 – Updated to make the path to sendemail a variable.

2014-07-19 – Changed grep to handle false positive during Media Patrol runs